Thursday, December 20, 2018

Senior Connections
Farmingdale Public Library

March/April 2019 Newsletter
Topic of the Month

Learning About "SERVICE ANIMALS"
US Department of Justice provides regulations under Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regarding "Service Animals"---only dogs are recognized as service animals. A dog is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for a person with a disability. Examples include:
--guiding a person who is blind
--alerting people who are deaf
--alerting and protecting a person with seizure
--calming person during anxiety attack
--and more

Generally, service dogs must be permitted to accompany the disabled in all areas where the public is allowed to go. Specific rules related to service dogs:
--when it is not obvious what service a dog provides, only two questions are allowed 1)is service dog 
  required because of a disability?, 2) what work or task has dog been trained to perform ?
--a disabled person cannot be asked to remove service dog from premises unless 1) dog is out of control, 2) dog is not housebroken
--and more

To obtain complete requirements and regulations regarding service dogs, visit and input "Service Animals" in Search bar, or visit Senior Connections in Outreach Services room at library for a copy of regulations.

Thursday, October 18, 2018


January/February 2019 Newsletter

Topic of the Month
Stroke and Heart Attack Warning Signs
Heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases are America's No. 1 killer.
To help identify symptoms early, American Heart Association created a list of warning signs for following cardiovascular diseases. Individuals may experience one or more of these in different degrees.

Heart Attack Warning Signs 
  • Chest Discomfort. Is discomfort in center of chest that lasts more than a few minutes, or that goes away and comes back? It can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain.
  • Discomfort in Other Areas of Upper Body. Symptoms can include pain or discomfort in one or both arms, back, neck, jaw or stomach.
  • Shortness of Breath. This feeling can occur with or without chest discomfort.
  • Breaking Out in Cold Sweat, Nausea or Lightheadedness
CALL 9-1-1 if person shows any of these symptoms. Get to hospital right away.

Stroke Warning Signs
  • Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg, especially on one side of body
  • Sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding
  • Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes
  • Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination
  • Sudden, severe headache with no known cause
 CALL 9-1-1 if person shows any of these symptoms. Get to hospital right away.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018


November/December 2018 Newsletter

Topic of the Month

To inform federal income taxpayers of extensive changes to the tax code prior to upcoming tax preparation period, the Journal of Accountancy in concert with Association of International Professional Accountants, prepared a detailed description of the new Tax Cut and Jobs Act which went into effect 2018. This act, which both houses of Congress passed on December 20,2017 and signed by the President, contains a large number of provisions that affect individual taxpayers. To keep the cost of the bill within Senate budget rules, however, all changes affecting individuals expire after 2025. At that time, if no future Congress acts to extend the provisions, the individual tax provisions would sunset, and tax law would revert to 2017 law. 

The tax law website  provides info on tax rate tables, passthrough income deductions, tax credits, education provisions, itemized deductions, and more.
Visit website: to view details of the Act or visit us (Senior Connections) at the library.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018


September/ October 2018 Newsletter

Topic of the Month

It may be hard to know the difference between age-related changes and the first signs of Alzheimer's disease. To help identify problems early, the Alzheimer's Association created a list of warning signs for Alzheimer's disease individuals may experience one or more of these in different degrees.

  • Memory loss that disrupts daily life.
  • Challenges in planning or solving problems.
  • Difficulty completing familiar tasks at home, at work or at leisure.
  • Confusion with time or place.
  • Trouble understanding visual images and spatial relationships.
  • New problems with words in speaking or writing.
  • Misplacing things and losing the ability to retrace steps.
  • Decreased or poor judgement.
  • Withdrawal from work or social activities.
  • Changes in mood and personality.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018


July/August 2018 Newsletter

Topic of the Month

If you have limited income and resources, you may qualify for help to pay for some prescription drugs. EXTRA HELP is a Medicare program to help people with limited income and resources pay Medicare prescription drugs. You may qualify for EXTRA HELP if your yearly income and resources are below these limits in 2018:
  • Single person - income less than $18,210 per year and resources less than $14,100
  • Married person living with a spouse and no dependents - income less than $24,690 per year and resources less than $28,150
Resources include money in checking or savings account, stocks, bonds, mutual funds and IRA's. Examples of  income: Social Security, interest, dividends and others.
If you qualify for EXTRA HELP and join a Medicare drug plan, you will:
  • Get help paying your Medicare drug plan's costs
  • Have no coverage gap
  • Have no late enrollment penalty
  • Have the chance to switch plans at any time
You automatically qualify for EXTRA HELP if you have Medicare and full Medicaid or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits.
If you have employer or union coverage and you join a Medicare drug plan, you may lose your employer or union coverage even if you qualify for EXTRA HELP. Call your employer's benefits administrator before you join a Medicare drug plan.
If you did not qualify for EXTRA HELP, you can apply anytime by visiting or calling 1-800-772-1213. To get answers to questions about EXTRA HELP, call your State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) at 1-800-701-0501. You can also call 1-800-MEDICARE.
Source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Senior Connections
Farmingdale Public Library
May/June 2018 Newsletter

Topic of the Month
New Medicare Cards Are Coming

Through their website,, US Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has announced that "New Medicare cards are coming". For people enrolled in Medicare, as well as new enrollees, Medicare will mail new Medicare cards between April 2018 and April 2019. Your new card will have a new Medicare number that is unique to you, instead of your Social Security number. This will help to protect your identity.
Things to know about your new Medicare card
  • You don't need to take any action to get your new Medicare card
  • The new card won't change your Medicare coverage or benefits
  • Medicare will never ask you to give personal or private information to get your new Medicare number and card
  • There is no charge for your new card; destroy old card after receiving the new one

Watch out for scams

Scam artists may try to get your current Medicare number and other personal information by contacting you about your new Medicare card. They often claim to be from Medicare and use various scams to get your Medicare number including:

  • Asking you to confirm your Medicare or Social Security number so they can send you a new card
  • Telling you there is a charge for your new card and they need to verify your personal information
  • Threatening to cancel your health benefits if you don't share your Medicare number or personal information 
If you have any questions about this new card or Medicare in general, call at 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227) or go on line at