Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Doing Good for Goodness Sake January - February 2010

Our topic of the month is an enumeration of mindful actions "ON THIS DAY" doing good to others. The words (author anonymous) were transcribed by a Senior Connections member from a wall plaque, hanging in a Brooklyn cafe, onto a paper napkin many years ago. It was then typed and shared with family members. Senior Connections wishes now to share these human-caring principles with our readers. We are also providing related and helpful websites for your convenience. We hope you will find them thought-provoking and behavior-changing, if warranted.

MEND a quarrel. SEARCH out a forgotten friend.
DISMISS suspicion and REPLACE it with trust.
WRITE a letter. SHARE some treasure. GIVE a soft answer.
ENCOURAGE youth. MANIFEST your loyalty in a word or deed.
KEEP a promise. FIND the time. FORGO a grudge. FORGIVE an enemy.
LISTEN. APOLOGIZE if you were wrong. TRY to understand.
FLOUT envy. EXAMINE your demands on others. THINK first of someone else.
APPRECIATE, be kind, be gentle. LAUGH a little more. EXPRESS your gratitude.
WORSHIP your God. GLADDEN the heart of a child.
TAKE pleasure in the beauty and wonder of the earth.. SPEAK your love.
SPEAK it again. SPEAK it still again. SPEAK it still once again.
How to Give to a Charity
How to Appreciate Nature
How To say 'I'M sorry' or Apologize
How to Keep a Promise
How to Write a Letter
How to Adopt a Pet
How to Gain Confidence

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Topics of the Month

Making Ends Meet March- April 2009
During these financially troubling times it pays to stop and ask, "where is my spendable income going?" If your spending regularly exceeds your income it may pay you to do an "annual or monthly expense analysis." For this purpose we have devised an expense analysis form that will open your eyes to where your money is going. Completing the analysis can display fixed and discretionary expenses, and point to adjustments that can help "Make Ends Meet".

Knowing All About Your Library
A synopsis for seniors
May-June 2009
As an information resource, Senior Connections has developed a synopsis of library services and activities to keep seniors up-to-date and in-touch. We are confident you will find it most informative and a handy reference document.

Making a Difference in the Community
Senior Volunteering
July-August 2009
As an information resource, Senior Connections has developed a listing and brief descriptions of volunteering opportunities which are primarily located within the eastern Nassau area. The idea of this endeavor is to capitalize on a local history of activism and Volunteerism, and channel Farmingdale goodwill into worthy causes that could have a tangible effect on the community.

Back-to-School Activities for Grandparents September-October 2009
As an information resource, Senior Connections has developed a list of pertinent back-to-school activities with grandparents. We have also provided a list of websites that relate to the topic of the month. We invite seniors to navigate through the lists and consider activities applicable to their lives' situations.

Knowing More About End-of-Life Issues November-December 2009

A vital subject that affects all of us is "end-of-life" issues. Yet, few people want to talk about them because of their sensitive and depressing nature. Through the use of references for government and non-profit organizations as our sources, Senior Connections has looked at the issues in a serious vein, and also interjected a lighter touch to soften their morbidity. We have attempted to present this topic in an enlightening and informative manner while striving to be sensitive in the process. In general we cover the following all-important "end-of-life issues:
- Advance Directives
- Preplanning
- Regulations
- Prepayment
- Funeral Arrangements
- Organ Donations
- Cremation Options
- Coping and Grieving

Thursday, May 21, 2009

More on Making Ends Meet

For additional information on making ends meet in the current economic environment look at the article on page 46 on the May 18 issue of Time Magazine. The article is headlined "How to Save BIGGER".