Thursday, October 30, 2014

Farmingdale Public Library

Topic of the Month
January-February 2015 Newsletter

"DOCUMENTS TO SHARE" (with family members)

In a recent New York Times publication, we downloaded a segment of an article pertaining to sharing documents. It provides a list of documents prepared by "advisers" suggesting sharing them with family members, such as, Wills or Living Trusts, Retirement and Pension accounts, and others.This document sharing would entrust family members to take appropriate actions upon one's disability or death. Compliance with any or all items listed will depend on each family situation, i.e. immediate family or other relatives.

To obtain a copy of the listing, go to, or visit us at the Outreach Services room in the library.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Senior Connections
Farmingdale Public Library
                    Topic of the Month
November/December 2014 Newsletter

Cyber Tips for Older Americans

This past summer Newsday printed an article encouraging older Internet users to obtain help regarding safety in cyberspace. This topic of the month is our way of reinforcing this all important means of protection against cyber crimes.
Anyone who uses the Internet has encountered suspicious websites or received suspicious emails. Many scammers hope to snare older adults on the assumption they are easy prey.
A free brochure from the Department of Homeland Security can help you spot online scams and avoid bad medical advice from self-proclaimed online experts whose information might be inaccurate or harmful. "Cyber Tips for Older Americans"can be downloaded at

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Senior Connections
Farmingdale Public Library
September-October 2014 Newsletter
Topic of the Month


Did you know that 1 in 4 deaths in the United States each year is a result of heart disease? Don't become a statistic! Take charge of your heart health by learning how to tackle high blood pressure and cholesterol -- two factors that contribute to heart disease.

A free packet of publications is available online from FDA-Office of Women's Health or at the library "Outreach Services" room 10am - 12 noon Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. You'll get tips and advice on healthy ways to manage your blood pressure and cholesterol and learn about medicines that help as well. Each packet contains:

*High Blood Pressure (Fact Sheet)

*Cholesterol (Fact Sheet)

*High Blood Pressure - Medicines to Help

*My Medicines

Wednesday, May 28, 2014



My wife and I spent two wonderful weeks in Florida in April. However, that is where the good part of this story ends.
On April 15th, Tuesday, we were scheduled to fly back to New York. Shortly after our arrival at the airport in Florida, airline passengers were notified that there would be a delay in departure due to strong winds at JFK. Subsequently, there were several more delays at which point seven hours had passed and still no firm direction on departure time. It was now early evening, when we began to notice luggage being removed from our plane. We followed the lead, had our luggage removed and rescheduled our flight for 9:55 am on following day (Wednesday).We called a relative who lived in the area and asked if she would pick us up and stay at her home for the night. She came to the rescue. There were two drawbacks to this arrangement, however 1) two cats reside in house and 2) relative is a chain smoker. I am allergic to fur bearing animals and smoke. I thought I could bear it for a night but experienced discomfort.
The following morning (Wednesday), we checked the airline and learned that our 9:55 am flight was cancelled due to windy, icy and snowy conditions at JFK. We then rescheduled for 9:55 am flight (Thursday) to JFK. We stayed another night at our relative’s home. On Thursday, we departed on schedule and the flight was smooth (finally a positive to our travel).
For each flight cancellation, we informed our reserved limo service to postpone transportation back home. Upon arriving at home via limo, we paid the driver including a tip. Oh, but the driver had a higher charge on his smartphone which absorbed his tip. He approached me while I was pulling luggage to my front door and said: “You didn’t give me a tip”. At this point, I pulled out my reservation printout and showed him the amount quoted to me weeks earlier. The problem: limo service had considered my “postponements”  as “cancellations” and rates had increased. After arguing on the phone with the limo office, I hung up in a huff and gave the driver his tip.
On top of getting home two days later and other inconveniences, we had to lug four pieces of luggage, two weighing 40 lbs each and two carryons. What a trip!
As I said at the outset, we had a wonderful vacation in Florida but then………….

·    0   Always check airline departure schedule before leaving for airport
·    0   Keep van/limo service informed of flight delays and cancellations and confirm quoted fee
·    0   Keep in touch with airline gate attendant regarding options available for alternate travel plan, if needed
·    0   When packing, consider time away and availability of washer/dryer to lighten luggage load
·    0   Be sure to bring extra  regular medication and also those needed in event of allergic reactions

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Keeping Family and Household Records

Senior Connections
Farmingdale Public Library
May-June 2014 Newsletter
Topic Of The Month

When was the last time you couldn’t find an important paper you knew you had carefully put away someplace?  How much time do you spend trying to straighten out your household business affairs, especially at income tax time?
How in fact do people decide what records are important to keep and what they can discard? How do they decide where to store and keep such records and papers?
“Keeping Family/Household Records” is an online publication offered by the Federal Citizens Information Center of the General Services Administration as a public service.  This publication provides valuable information in answer to the above questions.  In addition it covers record storage, inventory records, net worth statements and much more.

To obtain this publication click on the link below or visit us at the library (Outreach Services Room) for a paper copy.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Farmingdale Public Library

March/April 2014 Newsletter
"Topic of the Month"


The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services) has provided a list of Federal and State health care cost saving programs for people with limited income and resources. They are as follows:
*Medicare Savings Program
*Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Benefits
*Extra Help

To obtain this valuable government information, go to website:, or visit us at the Outreach Services room at rear of library.